Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Amma Tujhe Salam

Amma tujhe Salam

Amma Tujhe Salaam written by the late Shri Nag Bodas is a social satire centred on the lives of beggars, a class of people who have been made outcasts by a consumer-centric society that rejects its own children in their hour of need. The play exposes the hypocrisy of social rules and norms, through the story of Bhura, a handicapped mechanic who loses everything when he is betrayed by those closest to him. In spite of the harshness he faces in his new world, he maintains his integrity and continues to dream of small joys. When he runs into Chhalni and her two children who have never known a world outside beggary, he teaches them to do the same.In the meantime, Jaggi "Boss" and his two sidekicks Tanny and Teja, who are aspiring underworld dons, portray another facet of social disharmony. Their story reflects the frustration of having un-met needs, and the other side of social impact: a struggle for power and finally emergence into a mirror image of the system itself, symbolizing ambition and ruthlessness. The issue of trafficking of women and children also forms a sub-plot of this play. The horrifying transformation of innocent childhood joys to mental instability and lifelong scars is worthy of thought, and adapted well into the main storyline.

writer :- naag bodas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

energetic, entertaining, creative, great improviser, full of gertures, natural, emotinal these are the few words i can use for this actor. girish you did mindblowing job in the character of "JAGGI". i dailogue delivery, way of lauging in tht character ws vry funny. nice entertainment sir. hatts of to you man. keep it up.
